ADHD Questionnaire
Know the Signs of ADHD. Below are a list of symptoms that are sometimes associated with ADHD. If you are experiencing symptoms listed below, Contact Us to see if you are eligible for a Research Study for ADHD.
Signs of inattentive behavior: | Signs of hyperactive behavior: | - Difficulty following instructions
- Difficulty focusing on tasks
- Losing things at school and at home
- Forgetting things often
- Becoming easily distracted or having difficulty listening
- Lacking attention to detail, making careless mistakes or being disorganized
- Failing to complete homework or tasks
| - Fidgeting excessively
- Difficulty staying seated
- Running or climbing inappropriately
- Talking excessively
- Difficulty playing quietly
- Always seeming to be on the go
- Blurting out answers or frequently interrupting
- Having trouble waiting his or her turn
- Interrupting or intruding on others
For more information on ADHD, follow the links below: National Institute of Mental Health National Mental Health Association